Petite Ecole De Danse - Money Box

Petite Ecole De Danse - Money Box


Price: $45.00

Code: 667170

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Petite Ecole De Danse - Money Box   

Petite Ecole De Danse - Money Box   

Petite Ecole De Danse - Money Box   


A pretty, hand-drawn resin money box featuring the little mouse and her friend the swan. She will look after all the little treasures in her care. A pretty decorative accessory that will look great in any child's bedroom. Measures approximately 9.5 x 9 x 17.5 cm. Washable with a soft and damp cloth.

Une jolie tirelire en resine, dessinee a la main, a l'effigie de la petite souris et de son ami le cygne. Elle gardera precieusement tous les petits tresors qu'on lui confie. Un joli accessoire déco qui trouvera aisement sa place dans la chambre d'enfant.

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